• Your Business Protection Plan
    Safeguard the Future of Your Business
    To avoid the future viability of the business it is essential for business owners to know that,
    even if the worst should happen to a key stakeholder, they’ll have the financial means to
    stay on track. The Business Protection Plan provides a unique way of
    helping protect business finances.
  • Business & Group Cover Options
    Employee Reward Benefits and Business Protection
    No business is without risk, whether you run a small commercial enterprise
    or operate a multi-national corporation.

    The key to managing it is to partner with an insurer that understands the risks
    inherent in your particular field of business, who will then partner with your
    team to provide a risk management solution to meet your specific
    insurance or employee requirements.
  • Key Person Business Protection

    Protect Against Financial Loss Attributed to an Employees

    Long Term Absence

    Key person insurance eradicates the financial risk resulting from the sudden loss
    of a key employee or executive on a business. The lump sum payout provided
    from a qualifying event essentially buys the company time to find a new person,
    payoff debt or to implement other strategies to save the business.

  • Life Interruption Employee Cover
    Providing a Financial Safety Net for Your Employees
    Group Life Interruption Cover provides lump sum payments should your employee
    suffer a claimable event or be diagnosed with a covered conditions. The specified lump
    sum benefit is designed to provide the certainty of a cash injection to help alleviate
    the financial impact to your employees' lifestyle and income, so they can focus
    on their treatment and recovery.

Insurance Solutions to Suit Your Business Requirements

No business is without risk, whether you run a small commercial enterprise or operate a multi-national corporation.

The key to managing it is to partner with Insurance Brokers who understand the risks inherent in your particular field of business. It's your advisers role to introduce you to relevant insurance providers and their products to help instigate a risk management solution that BEST meets your specific insurance requirements.

Get all your premiums back in cash

Why Group Insurance?

In the current workplace market, the importance of businesses being able to stand out and differentiate themselves as an “employer of choice” is becoming increasingly vital. A workplace staff insurance program can form part of an overall employee benefits’ plan in order to help achieve this.

Some of the key benefits behind this kind of plan are:

  • Staff Attraction & Retention
  • Increasing Morale via Cash in Times of Need
  • Reducing Recruitment and Training Costs & a Positive Workplace Culture

Business Protection Plan Options 商业保护保险

Life Assurance can help organise a Business Protection Plan offering a comprehensive range of covers that provide financial support in a variety of situations.

Your Business Protection Insurance plan options will allow you to mix and match a number of covers, for as many key stakeholders as needed, and with the appropriate ownership structures to achieve the correct outcome for your specific business.

Your Life Assurance adviser will discuss with you the various options available to help you decide the best fit for your particular business.

Key Person Cover

Your Life Assurance adviser will discuss with you the various options available to help you decide the best fit for your particular business.

This cover is designed to provide a capital injection into the business upon the Total Long Term Disability, Total and Permanent Disability, Terminal Illness or Death of a key employee or sole trader of the business.


Debt Protection Cover

This cover is designed to fund business debt re-payment upon Total Long Term Disability, Total and Permanent Disability, Terminal Illness or Death of any employee, owner or sole trader, whose death, terminal illness or total long term disability would trigger a requirement for the debt to be repaid.


Ownership Buyout Cover

This cover is designed to fund the buy-sell agreement commitments of the business for an employee owner whose Total Long Term Disability, Total and Permanent Disability, Terminal Illness or Death would trigger the buy-sell agreement. Ownership Buyout Cover is not available to sole-traders.


Revenue Protection Cover

Any employee who makes a significant contribution to profits is likely to be a key person in your business. Loss of Revenue Cover and Variable Loss of Revenue Cover each provide an agreed monthly revenue replacement benefit when a key employee or sole trader is disabled, either totally or partially.


Why Life Interruption Cover?

Group Life Interruption Cover provides a financial safety net should your employee suffer one of the claim events or be diagnosed with one of the covered conditions, potentially interrupting their usual day to day life.

"Traditional income cover reduces the amount payable by the amount received from ACC, however, this is not the case with Group Life Interruption Cover”

Why Life Interruption Cover?

Insurance For Rural, Plant, Equipment, Office Contents

Comprehensive Business Insurance for Small - Large enterprises, Agricultural and Rural is provided through Kepa General, a flexible comprehensive solution for all your business insurance needs, providing competitive pricing and peace of mind from New Zealand's leading Domestic and Commercial Insurers.


Protection for unforeseen loss to contractors, construction equipment and machinery.


Protection for the cost of claims made for incidents in connection with your business.


Including trucks, trailers, cars and vans - liability & damage protection.


Protecting businesses and individuals from Internet-based risks, LOR & associated liabilities.


Manage marine risk with insurance plans unique to logistics, boating & marine liability exposure.


Comprehensive travel insurance with optimal protection whilst on business travel.


An economic safeguard against the risks faced in the manufacturing industry.


Protecting your farming animals, crop, equipment & assets.


Protect Your Business Today

Life Assurance provide the advice required to make the best decisions as you consider your Risk Protection options.
  • http://www.lifeassurance.nz/
  • NZ +64-21-683-412
  • Nationwide Service Cover, Auckland based offices.